
Showing posts from June, 2019

What is offshore development?

Offshore development refers to the process of outsourcing a task to a third party agency located in a different country. This process is currently very popular in the IT and ITES industries. In the offshore development process, outsourcing can be done in different ways. For instance, it can be given to an individual developer or an agency, delegating the whole project or only certain parts, hire a dedicated team of developers etc. In a particular project, there can be different categories of expertise needed to fulfill the requirement. An agency might not have all the required resources of experts at that moment for different reasons. So the company can outsource the project for offshore development to fill in the missing expertise. For example, creating mobile games requires a concept artist, Unity3D developer, 3D model artist, motion graphic designer, UX/UI designer, or all of them at times. No one developer could be an expert in all those areas, thus a few developers or

What is a website's value without marketing?

Zero! That is right, zero. It does not matter if you have the world's best website or not. If you are not marketing your website then we must say that you have wasted your time and money creating your dream website. In any business, everything should have a purpose. In an office, starting from a desk to a money plan tree beside the window is serving some kind of purpose to increase business or to enrich the work atmosphere. A website without marketing is an investment without purpose. So why are people reluctant to market their website? There can be several reasons for this. But one reason is, they do not know what to do with their website. Some people treat their website as a showpiece or an achievement, occasionally flaunting it to their friends, family and some privileged acquaintances. It is not their fault. As we are in this business it is our duty to generate awareness on this subject. If you want to gather some knowledge on this topic contact XENMAG, the best web

How to keep visitors on your website?

Nowadays, almost every business is involved with the internet. Internet is the fastest and smartest way to do business in this current age. As the internet is global it has more reach with maximum resources around. One has to know how to use the resources. A basic awareness of the current situation can impact a business with huge possibilities. Today we will discuss how awareness of designing a website can be used to keep visitors on the website for a long period of time to make the fullest use of it. The first step comes before the creation of a website. It is called planning. Think about why your business needs a website. Then figure out what is the main thing you want your website to do for you. Visualize a pattern and pages according to that. Avoid putting unnecessary pages and distractions on the website. Try to keep it trim and simple. Distractions create confusion among visitors. Simple and clean visuals are always healthier to look at. If visitors feel uncomfortable

How HTTPS impacts on search engine ranking?

To know how HTTPS impacts on ranking we have to know what HTTPS is. HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. This is related to a website's security. One can make his site follow HTTP rules or HTTPS rules where HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. We will not get into the technical stuff but on a simple note, a website is more secured having HTTPS over HTTP. Now as we have learned which provides better security let’s take a look on which will rank higher on Google search engine. In 2015, Google stated that HTTPS may serve as a tiebreaker if the quality signals for two different search results are equal in everything else. Meaning, if your website is equal to your competitor’s website in terms of speed, title tags, content freshness, etc. but your competitor’s website is HTTPS and yours isn’t, Google will most likely rank theirs ahead of yours. That means no matter how hard you try to rank up, you will always fall behind your HTTPS competitors. So thi

How to start blogging business from home?

People are wondering about how to start working from home through the internet. They get the news on the web that a lot of people are earning from home through the internet. Yes, one can earn from home easily on the web. But the “earn from home” offers are not always legit. Some of them are scams and some of them are legit. It is hard to differentiate between them for a person who is inexperienced in this field. A bigger number of people fall for the attractive offer from the scammers. As a result, they lose a lot of money and time. In this topic, we will try to put light on one of the legit ways to earn money from home. A blog is an online diary or journal. The content of a blog generally includes text, pictures, videos, etc. Since a blog can exist merely for personal use, sharing information with an exclusive group or to engage the public, a blog owner can set their blog for private or public access. But this concept of blog has changed in the past few years. It does not

Keeping up with e-commerce

In the modern era of technology and internet, even age-old traditions of buying things have taken the shape of modernity. Earlier what we meant by buying goods and services were standing in long queues, selecting from a limited variety of items, debating with the shopkeeper to reduce the price and what not. But with the advent of the internet and advancements in the commercial sector were made, leading to what we know today as e-commerce. E-commerce is basically the buying and selling of goods services and products using the internet, and making payment transactions to execute the buying. This can be done via various apps or websites who attach themselves to popular and trusted banks and via that application or software the transactions are made for the products which are to be bought. The selection of the products has become unlimited in nature. If you are planning to launch your own e-commerce store feel free to contact XENMAG, the best web development company in India .

What is a CMS website?

A CMS or content management system based website is that website which provides a system to any user of the website to add, modify or delete content. Often times we can see that business owners hire an agency to create their website. After the completion of the website, the owners find out that they are unable to add or change content on the website. If a website does not follow CMS then any editor of that website will need the knowledge of programming languages in which the website is created. These kinds of websites are called static websites. For a static website, the control of the website remains to the development agency. For any alteration required to the website, the owners have to rely upon a development agency. To avoid any delays in the back and forth of a task, the owners sometimes try to work on the websites by themselves. Due to the lack of proper technical knowledge, they unconsciously inject various kinds of errors to the website and this leads to a broken

Why SMO only is not enough?

People often understand digital marketing through social media optimization. It is a major fault in awareness which caused because of less technical understanding. The reason behind this misconception is that the work process in social media optimization is visible instantly. Business owners do not care about the works done in the background as they are not acclimatized with these kinds of the work process. They think to post on social media platforms and getting appreciations are the main things to do in a digital marketing process. We at XENMAG, the best SEO company in India try to educate our clients with our process of work. Then we describe how our process will help the business. We also suggest them to become aware of the marketing process to understand the work depth. A digital marketing process consists of numerous activities like - Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Optimization, Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, Public Rela