How HTTPS impacts on search engine ranking?

To know how HTTPS impacts on ranking we have to know what HTTPS is. HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. This is related to a website's security. One can make his site follow HTTP rules or HTTPS rules where HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. We will not get into the technical stuff but on a simple note, a website is more secured having HTTPS over HTTP.

Now as we have learned which provides better security let’s take a look on which will rank higher on Google search engine. In 2015, Google stated that HTTPS may serve as a tiebreaker if the quality signals for two different search results are equal in everything else. Meaning, if your website is equal to your competitor’s website in terms of speed, title tags, content freshness, etc. but your competitor’s website is HTTPS and yours isn’t, Google will most likely rank theirs ahead of yours. That means no matter how hard you try to rank up, you will always fall behind your HTTPS competitors. So this is how HTTPS websites are advantageous over HTTP websites on rankings. To know more on this topic contact XENMAG, the best SEO company in India.

Anyone can make their website follow HTTPS just by subscribing for an SSL certificate. An SSL certificate gives a website the protocols to follow in a more secure and encrypted way. Also, any user paying through an HTTPS website will know that their payment credentials will be safe and will not be leaked. So the owners of HTTPS websites also get this upper hand of blind trust over HTTP website owners. To have any guidance on SSL certifications feel free to contact XENMAG, the best web marketing company in India.


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